The GICHD implements a Gender and Diversity policy and is an equal opportunities employer. Applications are encouraged from women and men, nationals of mine-affected countries and individuals with a disability or special needs, who meet the above profile requirements.
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works towards reducing risks to communities stemming from explosive ordnance, with a particular focus on mines, cluster munitions, other explosive remnants of war and ammunition storages. The Centre helps develop and professionalise the sector for the benefits of its partners: National and local authorities, donors, the United Nations, other international and regional organisations, non-governmental organisations, commercial companies and academia. It does so by combining three distinct lines of service: field support focused on capacity development and advice, multilateral work focused on norms and standards, and research and development focused on cutting-edge solutions. These efforts are facilitated from the GICHD’s location within the Maison de la Paix in Geneva.