Description ( is a global network of teachers and institutions with the vi-sion to embed ethics in higher education. We strive for a world in which people, and especially leaders are educated in, informed by and act according to ethical values and thus contribute to building sustainable, just and peaceful societies. The founding conviction of is that having equal access to knowledge resources in the field of applied ethics enables individuals and institutions from developing and transition economies to become more visible and audible in the global discourse.
We are looking for an experienced personality as Executive Director of
Personality: a person with ethical integrity; a profound commitment to global ethics; rooted in one world religion and its spirituality; with openness and respect for other, religious and non-religious world views; creative, innovative, inclusive, building bridges while not fearing to take position; politically sensitive beyond party politics.
Formation: The candidate needs an academic qualification with strong background in ethics; at least ten years of professional experience; experience in global networking, especially with insti-tutions in higher education. A PhD, eventually a professorship and formation in an additional disci-pline are a recommended advantage.
Skills: Commitment for and experience of the Global South/with developing countries; experience in publicly speaking and teaching; Fundraising for medium and large projects; motivating, listening, deciding; strong leadership and management capacities in multicultural and multi-religious envi-ronment; fluent in English. A good knowledge of French, German, Arabic and/or Spanish would be an advantage. offers good working conditions with committed teams at the Head Office in inter-national Geneva/Switzerland and teams and partners on all continents. It offers the opportunity of working for a global foundation that is committed to making a contribution to the development of ethics in today’s world.
Applicants from any continent are welcome. Swiss/EU Work permit an advantage, not a condition.
Starting date: 1 November 2022 or as agreed upon.
Application: Interested candidates are invited to send full application with CV and letter of moti-vation by email by 18 April 2022 to Prof Dr Christoph Stückelberger, President, 150 Route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 2, For further information his phone number: +41 79 419 68 12. Head Office · 150 route de Ferney · CH-1211 Geneva 2 · Switzerland · · +41 (0)22 791 62 49