Database maintenance consultancy – call for tenders

Database maintenance consultancy – call for tenders

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Plan International, Inc.



Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners. Our programmes deliver lasting change against discriminatory norms, policies and laws. We listen to the voices of children in the community, especially girls whose views and needs are frequently overlooked, to ensure that our work is relevant and effective. We work to strengthen the capacities of governments and encourage them to meet their obligations towards child protection and fulfilling children’s rights. We form effective partnerships to address the systemic and structural causes of child rights violations and inequality.We also embolden young people to become active drivers of change by educating them on their rights and supporting their activism. Innovation at Plan International is driven by girls’ needs. We aim to create impact for girls at scale through gaining a deep understanding of girls’ needs and the issues that matter to them. Our innovation strategy is driven by the girls it serves, supported by our internal capacity and fueled by our partners. We challenge assumptions and pivot based on learnings, rather than conducting business-as-usual. Under this innovation programme, Plan International developed the Girls Rights Platform, which includes the most comprehensive human rights language database. A youth training module, also hosted by the Girls Rights Platform, focuses on UN (United Nations) accountability mechanisms and advocacy as tools for youth activists to learn how to use UN human rights mechanisms to advance advocacy priorities at the national and international level.

Consultancy Purpose:

To ensure that Plan international’s Girls Rights Platform is updated sustainably to serve its mission in the best way. By:

  • Guarantee the database is up to date and can serve its purpose of serving as an advocacy tool to advance human rights language in UN environments.
  • Sustain the learning process for youth to engage with UN mechanisms via our youth training module.

Mission Outline:

The Database maintenance Consultant is asked to manage the backend of the database by uploading documents emanating from several human rights mechanisms and United Nations forums in a timely manner, update licenses of training modules associated to the platform, and coordinate with the hosting data management organization. More specifically the mission includes:

  • Database online management (currently hosted on Uwazi uploading of documents, in cooperation with HURIDOCS, validation of processes
  • LMS management and updating (existing tools: Moodle, Nearpod, Genially), and analysis of usage.

A guideline for updates and specific ToR (Terms of Reference) will be shared with the selected candidate.


To Human Rights and Advocacy Officer.

Expected working schedule

  • An estimated working time of 120 hours per Time used can be self-managed, with peak months being the end of January. April, end August and October for upload of key documents. This time schedule should cover:
    • Monitoring of documents availability and download from several websites
    • Cross-checking automated AI (Artificial Intelligence) upload
    • Manually uploading some documents
    • Corroboration of uploads and functioning of database
    • Updates of LMS platform’s associated external links twice per year
    • Other tasks as needed, in accordance with ToR.
  • A detailed guide with external links and where to find documents will be made available to the candidate.


  • 2 years minimum of experience in data management. Skills should include looking for patterns, understanding database design concepts and software, and being able to participate in short and long-term planning about database projects including data integrity, communication, and business intelligence.
  • Proven capacity (should be documented) in data processing and management, including working with platforms that sustain AI.
  • A personal interest in human rights and experience in the field will be an advantage.


Candidates are invited to submit an offer, including a description of a similar process in a previous experience, and estimated quote, with their CV to by 5th August 2023.

Start date

As soon as possible, to be agreed by parties.