Policy Advisor — Measuring Progress on Adaptation to Climate Change

Policy Advisor — Measuring Progress on Adaptation to Climate Change

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The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an award-winning independent think tank working to accelerate solutions for a stable climate, sustainable resource management, and fair economies. Our work inspires better decisions and sparks meaningful action to help people and the planet thrive. We shine a light on what can be achieved when governments, businesses, non-profits, and communities come together. IISD’s staff of more than 120 people, plus over 150 associates and consultants, come from across the globe and from many disciplines. With offices in Winnipeg, Geneva, Ottawa, and Toronto, our work affects lives in nearly 100 countries.

About IISD Resilience and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network

IISD’s Resilience Program is a multidisciplinary team of policy researchers who work with governments, civil society, communities, and businesses to help them manage climate- and conflict-related risks. Its work focuses on planning, people, and nature—preparing for a different or uncertain future, making sure different genders and social groups influence and benefit from investments in resilience, and harnessing the role of ecosystems to help communities manage risks.

Within this portfolio, the Resilience Program hosts the secretariat for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, an initiative focused on accelerating adaptation planning and action in developing countries. The NAP Global Network strives to achieve this goal by a) enhancing national-level action through short- and longer-term technical support on adaptation planning, b) facilitating South-South peer learning and exchange, and c) generating, synthesizing, and sharing knowledge on NAP processes. Established in 2014, the NAP Global Network connects more than 1,500 participants from over 150 countries, with financial support from an expanding base of donors.

The Position

The policy advisor will provide project oversight, research, and communication support for the secretariat of the NAP Global Network to advance its work on designing and implementing systems for measuring and tracking progress in climate adaptation at the national level.

The successful candidate will work with partners in the Global South to answer questions such as: Is our country on track in delivering on our climate adaptation commitments? Are we investing in the “right” things to reduce vulnerabilities to climate change in the medium and long terms? Who benefits? What do we need to adjust? Answering these questions requires going beyond the traditional monitoring and evaluation of development projects. It may involve helping government departments design monitoring, evaluation and learning systems for adaptation, develop tools and processes to manage data and information on adaptation, select and apply relevant adaptation indicators, undertake progress reporting, or draw links between national progress in adaptation and the global goals on adaptation.

The successful candidate should understand the broader policy conversation and efforts about assessing progress in climate adaptation, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and/or disaster risk reduction at aggregated levels (e.g., national, regional, sectoral, and program levels).

The successful candidate will be part of a multidisciplinary team, working closely with IISD staff, affiliates, consultants, and partners in different parts of the world.

Main Responsibilities

The successful candidate’s key areas of responsibility will include but not be limited to:

1. Project coordination and implementation (40%):

Plan, organize, and oversee international development programming for the NAP Global Network, based on the needs identified and communicated by in-country partners.
Convene, facilitate, and contribute to virtual and face-to-face workshops, meetings, and other events of various sizes.
Contribute to the preparation of narrative and financial reports to funders.

2. Engagement and networking (20%):

Work collaboratively with partners in government, the private sector, and research and non-governmental organizations, as well as with consultants, in implementing initiatives related to measuring progress in climate adaptation.
Establish and actively maintain a network of partners and contacts working on measuring progress in climate adaptation to advance the strategic objectives of the NAP Global Network and IISD in this area.
Strengthen IISD’s involvement in relevant networks and initiatives around the world, aligned with its objectives.

3. Research and issues tracking (20%):

Conduct substantive reviews and research on different aspects of measuring progress in climate adaptation, such as: designing effective monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems for adaptation, data and information management for MEL systems, and adaptation indicators.
Write reports, papers, and briefs that accurately assess and synthesize research findings.
Follow and summarize news and events pertaining to measuring progress in climate adaptation.

4. Communications and outreach (10%):

Prepare knowledge products and presentations that summarize and share the NAP Global Network’s work on measuring progress in climate adaptation with limited oversight and editing.
Share research results through webinars, workshops, conferences, and other events.
Represent IISD at national and international forums.

5. Business Development (10%):

Support other IISD personnel with the development of new project ideas and proposals on climate change adaptation.

Experience Sought

The experience and qualifications below indicate what will be needed to succeed in the position. We understand candidates may not have all the following; if you possess 75% or more of the qualifications listed as “Essential,” then we encourage you to apply.

Please note that our NAP Global Network / Resilience team works across multiple time zones. We are looking for someone with a “can-do” work attitude, who is able to work autonomously while proactively engaging with other team members, particularly working in a remote and/or hybrid work environment

Qualifications (Essential)

  • A master’s degree or equivalent in international development, environmental studies, geography, or another similar area.
  • Availability to travel internationally (about 20% of the time).

Knowledge and Experience (Essential)

  • Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience in climate change adaptation, particularly in the Global South.
  • Specific knowledge of and practical experience in measuring progress or MEL at aggregated levels (e.g., national, regional, sectoral, and program levels), ideally in climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and/or the SDGs


  • Experience working on NAP processes and/or Nationally Determined Contributions an asset.
  • Knowledge of international development and experience working in developing countries
  • Prior experience working with governments (particularly developing country governments) a strong asset.

Skills (Essential)

  • Excellent coordination skills, with an ability to manage and prioritize multiple tasks and liaise with multiple stakeholders.
  • Strong research and analytical skills, and ability to become familiar with new topics quickly.
  • Confident and engaging communication skills; ability to synthesize information in plain language and tailor communications approaches to different audiences.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.


  • Ability to work (read, write, speak) in Spanish or French a strong asset

Behavioural Competencies (Essential)

  • Results-focused, able to work quickly and accurately to meet tight deadlines without compromising the quality of the results.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, able to work comfortably across different cultures, be inclusive, positive, and communicate effectively.
  • Curious and committed to learning, working to understand the people, concepts, and issues that drive our work. Asks questions and seeks answers.

Applications will only be accepted online

  • A CV (no longer than two pages)
  • A one-page letter of motivation
  • All submissions must be in English.