À propos
About UICC
The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is a non-government organisation based in Geneva which serves an international and diverse population of cancer organisations to unite the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity and to ensure cancer continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda. We have achieved this by building a membership base of over thousand organisations and engaging in partnerships with more than 60 organisations across the United Nations, academia, health and private sector.
UICC convenes members and partners to encourage collaboration and new thinking through keystone events (World Cancer Congress, World Cancer Leaders’ Summit and World Cancer Day). Through our capacity building activities, UICC supports its members do a better job tomorrow than they do today and increase their impact by scaling up their relevance, reach and sustainability in their own settings. With our members and partners, we drive forward the key advocacy priorities building upon key international agreements (eg the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Action Plan on NCDs and the 2017 Cancer Resolution at the World Health Assembly) to ensure that these global goals and targets are translated into national action.
UICC has a team of 40 people based predominantly in Geneva, Switzerland led by a CEO, reporting to a Board of Directors. It has an annual income of approximately $10m and has plans to continue to grow in the coming years. The UICC works in excellent offices in Geneva situated close to the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, with whom it has formal relations.
In recent years, UICC has received international awards for its Congress, Summit, use of social media, website and membership engagement. We consider ourselves to be a top-quality NGO which aspires to deliver excellence at all times. UICC is proud of its people and invests in professional development. We aim to achieve a good life/work balance. We conduct monthly staff engagement surveys to encourage employees to be actively involved in improving the way we work together. The survey shows that the organisation is a very good employer benchmarked to other organisations in the sector.