M&E Specialist: Development of a Strategic Results Framework

M&E Specialist: Development of a Strategic Results Framework

Application ends: 25/03/2025

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The World Organisation Against Torture – OMCT



The World Organisation Against Torture (Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture – OMCT in the French acronym) works with around 200 member organisations which constitute its SOS-Torture Network, to end torture, fight impunity and protect human rights defenders worldwide. Together, we make up the largest global group actively standing up to torture in more than 90 countries. Helping local voices be heard, we support our vital partners in the field and provide direct assistance to victims. Our international secretariat is based in Geneva, with offices in Brussels and Tunis.

Information about the OMCT and its activities can be found on the OMCT’s website, as well as the OMCT’s social media outlets on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn.

The OMCT is currently developing a new four-year strategy (2025-2028) to guide its work in achieving its mission and objectives. To ensure the effective monitoring and evaluation of the strategy, we seek an external M&E Specialist to support the development of a comprehensive results framework. This framework will serve as a key tool for tracking progress, assessing impact, and enabling evidence-based decision-making throughout the strategy period.

The consultancy, which will be implemented under the supervision of the Director of Development jointly with the Secretary General, is expected to take place over a period of two months, starting between April 1st and 15th, 2025 and concluding between May, 30th and June 15th, 2025. The exact timeline will be determined in consultation with the selected consultant based on deliverables and organisational needs.

Timeframe, Methodology and Deliverables

The consultant is expected to employ a participatory approach, working closely with key stakeholders, and namely with programme staff and leadership. The methodology should include, but is not limited to, the following steps:


1. Desk Review:

  • Analyze existing organizational documents, including the prior and the new strategy as it is being drafted, the previous M&E framework, and the logframes of the current projects.
  • Compare and relate this with best practices and relevant frameworks applicable to the organization’s sector or other sectors nearby.

2. Stakeholder Consultations:

  • Maintain contact with programme staff and leadership as well as with the Director of Development to identify and simplify toward measurable priorities, standardised indicators, realistic targets and key results areas.
  • Seek out and identify an alignment between the organisation’s current structure and directions, our partners’ capabilities, our donor requirements, and broader international political and economic trends.

3. Drafting the Results Framework:

  • Develop a structured results framework, including impact, outcome, and output indicators in line with the new Strategic Plan.
  • Provide standard and flexible definitions for the indicators, the means of verification, baselines, and targets where applicable.

4. Validation and Finalisation:

  • Present the draft framework to key stakeholders for feedback and refinement.
  • Consolidate, incorporate and finalise the framework addressing the feedback and suggestions of the various stakeholders responding.

Key Deliverables:

  • Draft Results Framework and supporting documents
  • Validation workshop and feedback session with the core drafting team, the Senior Leadership
  • Team and the Director of Development
  • Finalised results framework with definitions
  • PowerPoint presentation of results framework, including implementation guidance.

The consultancy can be conducted remotely, with all communications, meetings, and deliverables being exchanged and discussed online.

II. Requirements and Qualifications

Consultants with the following skills and competencies are encouraged to apply:

  • At least 2 to 4 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, in human rights, environmental, humanitarian, development or related field required.
  • Strong knowledge of results-based management (RBM) and M&E best practices
  • University or master’s degree in international relations, economics, political science, business

NGO management or human rights preferred.

  • Demonstrable experience in evaluating programmes and projects in different regions and with different institutions and organisations;
  • Fluency in English and French is required. Fluency in Spanish, Arabic, or Russian are considered important assets.

III. Eligibility, Applications, and Consideration

Bids should be submitted via email to applications@omct.org with the subject “External Consultant for the Development of a Strategic Results Framework”, with the following attachments, in PDF:

  • Letter of Interest summarising the bid (max. 1 page).
  • Bid Proposal detailing the proposed methodology, timeframe, and fee structure (max. 3 pages).
  • For Individuals: A CV/resume, including at least two references (max. 2 pages).
  • For Firms: A list of relevant M&E projects and evaluations completed during the past three years (max. 1 page).

Applications will be accepted until 25 March 2025 and reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received. The total amount available for the consultancy is capped at EUR 10’000 – and the most competitive bids will be given higher consideration during the selection process.