Expert Roster Principles for Peace Foundation

Expert Roster Principles for Peace Foundation

Application deadline closed.

Job Description

Principles for Peace Foundation




Principles for Peace (P4P) is seeking leading experts and institutions to join its Expert Roster, providing thematic, geographic and political expertise to develop key deliverables and support the achievement of P4P objectives. This Terms of Reference outlines the key elements and expectations for individuals and organisations interested in applying to the Expert Roster.

The Principles for Peace Foundation acts as a catalyst, custodian, and curator of the Principles for Peace and Peacemaking Covenant. It promotes the uptake and implementation of the Principles and serves as a synergist of partnerships to engage a diversity of actors to develop country, constituency, and thematic specific roadmaps and codes of practice. The Foundation's goal is to empower actors at all levels to create more durable and inclusive peace processes and enhance oversight and effectiveness for long-term peace outcomes.

The Foundation employs a rigorous and transparent monitoring approach to assess peace actors' contributions, encouraging constructive input to advance peacemaking efforts. It seeks to build upon evidence-based, politically-conscious, and participatory approaches and alliances established in the
initiative's initial phase, fostering global, regional, and local peacebuilding efforts. The Foundation operates independently to ensure consistency and effectiveness in peacemaking efforts, with no direct operational role. The Foundation is a follow-on mechanism of the work of the Principles for Peace initiative a global participatory initiative that was set up to develop new principles, standards, and norms to fundamentally reshape peace processes and chart a path to lasting peace. The overall aim is to create greater accountability, coherence, and sustainability of peace processes. It brings together a broad coalition of actors across political, diplomatic, academic, defence and security, civil society, and multilateral organisations.

The global, inclusive process of developing the Principles for Peace was led by the International Commission on Inclusive Peace, the P4P Secretariat with a coalition of 120 organisations. The approach anchored the initiative in both realpolitik and real society. The initiative gathered over 100’000 insights from practitioners, policy makers and activists from more than 60 countries. In addition, over 700 pieces of research have been distilled with scholars from across regions to identify the challenges and limitations and shifts in policy and practice.

The findings of the initiative are embodied in the Peacemaking Covenant which outlines eight interlocking and mutually reinforcing principles. The central Principles are enhancing legitimacy and accountable security. The three subsequent principles embed the whole in a practically oriented partnership compact with commitments to promoting pluralism, adopting subsidiarity, and embracing integrated solutions for all actors in the peacemaking space. – The last three – dignity, solidarity, and humility – provide an ethical compass to guide the individual and collective actions and decisions of peacemakers and to build trust.


P4P’s work will be carried out through three interconnected and mutually reinforcing functions: Monitoring & Measurement, From Policy to Practice, and Advocacy & Alliance Building. The overall purpose of the Expert Roster is to serve as standby research and expert capacity to support the P4P in its mission and work across the three functions. Principles for Peace is conducting various activities in collaboration with a web of partners to accompany, inform, catalyse and track effectiveness and quality of peace engagement in different conflict situation. While more specific Terms of Reference will be developed for individual assignments, specific assignment areas will include:

  • Country case studies with reports on the applicability and relevance of Principles for Peace in
    different regions, conflict types, and levels of international involvement. This line of work will
    also include developing a measurement framework, stakeholder engagement strategy, and
    peace engagement support plan for monitoring the quality of peace engagement in specific
  • Thematic studies focused on the conceptualisation, operationalisation, and indicator
    development for the policy shifts proposed by Principles for Peace.
  • Peacegaming and simulation exercises including the design of an overall methodology for
    simulations, scenario development or specific country or actor group (including, where
    necessary, conflict and peace analysis), facilitation, and producing reports with
    recommendations to inform changes in practices based on the Principles for Peace.
  • Co-development of codes of conduct, playbooks, training and self-assessment materials
    for specific communities of practice for conforming with Principles for Peace
  • Studies, policy papers and political strategic advice contributing to the Principles for
    Peace political strategy, including analysis of policy and normative frameworks with the
    objective of identifying ways for the Principles to contribute to specific policy processes and
    agendas, as well as anchoring them in the international system.


The three overarching objectives of the Foundation are:

  1. New narrative and approach proposed by the P4P and the Peacemaking Covenant are recognised and taken up by key actors
  2. Principles for Peace informs and influences policy, actions and practices of key actors
  3. Quality and effectiveness of peace processes is tracked and monitored to inform decision-making and increase accountability in peace processes

The objectives and scope of each specific assignment will be determined as per the Terms of Reference.

The Principles for Peace Foundation acts as a synergist of partnerships to engage a diversity of actors –including but not limited to mediators, security forces, governments, civil society, and businesses. As required, the consultant will be expected to work collaboratively with P4P staff as well as relevant stakeholders and partners.


The Expert Roster will be set up for an initial period of three years. Selected consultants will be notified by the P4P.

The exact timeframe of each assignment will be defined as per specific Terms of Reference and through initial conversation between the consultant and the P4P.

All tasks are to be completed in close cooperation and under the guidance of the Principles for Peace.

The expert roster will comprise individuals and entities including academic institutions with significant experience in relevant fields, including but not limited to peacebuilding, conflict resolution, human rights, international law, security, and other related areas. Applicants should have a proven track record of excellence in their respective fields, as well as experience working in local, national or international contexts and with diverse stakeholders.

Candidates (organisations or individuals) with the following qualifications are invited to apply:

  • Organisations or individuals with a demonstrated track record and practical experience in their
    respective fields, including but not limited to peacebuilding, conflict resolution, human rights,
    international law, security, and other related areas.
  • Academic institutions or individuals with a focus on research in peace and conflict studies,
    peacebuilding and peace-making, international relations, security or related fields;
  • Individuals with experience working in local, national or international contexts and with diverse
    stakeholders. This may include experience working with governments, civil society organisations,
    multilateral institutions, and/or the private sector.

The expert roster will be selected with a commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The Principles for Peace initiative values diversity in all its forms and seeks to ensure that the expert roster reflects gender, cultural, and geographic diversity. All qualified individuals and organisations are encouraged to apply.


Qualified candidates are invited to send an Expression of Interest, including your CV, organisational profile and a one-page outline of your areas of expertise relevant for the Principles for Peace and/or specific assignment areas.

Please address the Expression of Interest to Hiba Qasas (Executive Director, Principles for Peace) and send all relevant documents to Please include “P4P Expert Roster” in the
subject line. Please note that due to the high volume of submissions, only selected candidates will be contacted. 


As per specific Terms of Reference. Please indicate your daily rate in your EoI